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Genetic determinansts of micronucleus formation in vivo
Adams DJ, Barlas B, McIntyre RE, van der Weyden L, Barros A, Vicente JR, Karimpour N, Haider A, Ranzani M, Turner G, Thompson NA, Harle V, Olvera-Leon R, Robles-Espinoza CD, Speak AO, Geisler N, Weninger WJ, Geyer SH, Hewinson J, Karp NA, Sanger Mouse Genetics Project, Fu B, Yang R, Kozik Z, Choudhary J, Yu L, van Ruiten MS, Rowland BD, Lelliott CJ, Del Castillo Velasco-Herrera M, Verstraten R, Bruckner L, Henssen AG, Rooimans MA, de Lange J, Mohung TJ, Areds MJ, Kentistoud KA Coelho PA, Zhao Y, Zecchini H, Perry JRB, Jackson SP, Balmus G
Nature (2024) online ahead of print
Brillouin light scattering anisotropy microscopy for imaging the viscoelastic anisotropy in living cells
Keshmiri H, Cikes D, Samalova M, Schindler L, Appel L-M, Urbanek M, Yudushkin I, Slade D,
Weninger WJ, Peaucelle A, Penninger J, Elsayad K
Nature Photonics (2024) online ahead of print
Common and distinct transcriptional signatures of mammalian embryonic lethality
Collins JE, White RJ, Staudt N, Sealy IM, Packham I, Wali N, Tudor C, Mazzeo C, Green A, Siragher E, Ryder E, White JK; Papatheodoru I, Tang A, Füllgrabe A, Billis K. Geyer SH, Weninger WJ, Galli A, Hemberger M, Stemple DL, Robertson E, Schmith JC, Mohun T, Adams DJ, Busch-Nentwich EM
Nature Communications (2019), 10: 2792
Placental malformations are highly prevalent in embryonic lethal mouse mutants
Perez-Garcia V, Fineberg E, Wilson R, Murray A, Mazzeo CI, Tudor C, Sienerth A, White JK, Tuck E, Ryder EJ, Gleeson D, Siragher E, Wardle-Jones H, Staudt N, Wali N, Collins J, Geyer SH, Busch-Netwich EM, Galli A, Smith JC, Robertson E, Adams DJ, Weninger WJ, Mohun T, Hemberger M
Nature (2018), 555: 463-468
High throughput discovery of novel developmental phenotypes
Dickinson ME, Flenniken AM, Ji X, Teboul L, Wong MD, White JK, Meehan TF, Weninger WJ, Westerberg H, Adissu H, Baker CN, Bower L, Brown JM, Caddle LB, Chiani F, Clary D, Cleak J, Daly MJ, Denegre JM, Doe B, Dolan ME, Edie SM, Fuchs H, Gailus-Durner V, Galli A, Gambadoro A, Gallegos J, Guo S, Horner NR, Hsu CW, Johnson SJ, Kalaga S, Keith LC, Lanoue L, Lawson TN, Lek M, Mark M, Marschall S, Mason J, McElwee ML, Newbigging S, Nutter LM, Peterson KA, Ramirez-Solis R, Rowland DJ, Ryder E, Samocha KE, Seavitt JR, Selloum M, Szoke-Kovacs Z, Tamura M, Trainor AG, Tudose I, Wakana S, Warren J, Wendling O, West DB, Wong L, Yoshiki A; International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium; Jackson Laboratory; Infrastructure Nationale PHENOMIN, Institut Clinique de la Souris (ICS); Charles River Laboratories; MRC Harwell; Toronto Centre for Phenogenomics; Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute; RIKEN BioResource Center, MacArthur DG, Tocchini-Valentini GP, Gao X, Flicek P, Bradley A, Skarnes WC, Justice MJ, Parkinson HE, Moore M, Wells S, Braun RE, Svenson KL, de Angelis MH, Herault Y, Mohun T, Mallon AM, Henkelman RM, Brown SD, Adams DJ, Lloyd KC, McKerlie C, Beaudet AL, Bućan M, Murray SA.
Nature (2016), 537(7621): 508-514
A coming of age: advanced imaging technologies for characterising the developing mouse
Norris FC, Wong MD, Greene ND, Scambler PJ, Weaver T, Weninger WJ, Mohun TJ, Henkelman RM, Lythoge MF
Trends Genet (2013) 29:700-711
Phenotyping transgenic embryos: A rapid 3D-screening method based on Episcopic Flourescence Imaging Capturing (EFIC)
Weninger WJ & Mohun TJ
Nature Genet (2002) 30: 59-65


Blumer Lab

Molecular Neuroanatomy

Brugger Labor

Topographic Anatomy, Developmental Morphology

Hirtler Lab

Topographic Anatomy, Imaging

Weninger Lab

Topographic Anatomy, Developmental Morph., Imaging