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Scientific articles on Pernkopf's Ilustrations

Scientific articles on Pernkopf's Ilustrations

What should be done with Pernkopf's anatomical illustrations?

Journal of Biocommunication (2021), 45: 145-151

Legacies of Medicine in the Holocaust and the Pernkopf Atlas

Journal of Biocommunication Special Issue Vol.45

Nazi Victims on the Dissection Table

by Herwig Czech & Erich Brenner

Untersuchungen zur Anatomischen Wissenschaft in Wien 1938 - 1945

Gustav Spann, Senatsprojekt Uni Wien (2.Aufl.1998)

Note to the Users of Pernkopf's Atlas

by Univ.Prof.Markus Müller & Christiane Druml LL.D